New Member
Greetings Fellow Droid Fans! I know this topic has been debated extensively. I'm not sure if this has already been stated, but the droid DOES have pinch and zoom multi-touch enabled in a core application. When you go to set a new wallpaper, choose to use a picture (instead of the wallpaper gallery), pick a picture to use and you'll get a box that can be moved around to crop the image, if you use the pinch and zoom technic on the box it will grow or shrink accordingly. Try it yourself!
This leads me to believe if Apple or some other legal reason was preventing Google from enabling multi-touch in the browser or keyboard, they wouldn't have built it into the wallpaper function. Hopefully, its just a matter of time until we have it in the entire OS. Viva la DROID!
This leads me to believe if Apple or some other legal reason was preventing Google from enabling multi-touch in the browser or keyboard, they wouldn't have built it into the wallpaper function. Hopefully, its just a matter of time until we have it in the entire OS. Viva la DROID!