So I've rooted my phone both manually & with z4root. Change roms like I change socks. Today a friend was wanting to use the wireless tether app, & wanted me to get it working. Well I installed z4root, enabled debugging & all that cool stuff & hit permanent root on her phone.
Well it did the spinny wheel thing for about 20mins & froze up. Did a battery pull, reinstalled the app & tried again... same thing. At that point we had class so I couldn't try anything else.
Any ideas?
Note: She's running the latest OTA, virgin phone.
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Well it did the spinny wheel thing for about 20mins & froze up. Did a battery pull, reinstalled the app & tried again... same thing. At that point we had class so I couldn't try anything else.
Any ideas?
Note: She's running the latest OTA, virgin phone.
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