There have been several different launchers that I have tried in the past. Some of them have been good and some of them have been not so good. Everyone has their different needs when looking for a launcher to replace their stock launcher. I always look for something that is not only pleasing to the eye but also has a fluid quality. Another thing I absolutely must have in a launcher is the ability to get to what I need with ease and to be able to customize it to my liking.
There is nothing more that I love than being able to customize my Android devices to fit my mood or my personality. While this launcher is absolutely gorgeous, there are still some things it lacks in the customizing department. However, the beautifully animated widgets make up for that ten fold. Every widget that is made by the Go Launcher Dev Team has been made to be not only fascinating, but extremely fluid and responsive to touch. Upon swiping down on the Weather Widget, you see the main weather widget which shows animated weather, the time, the weather for the next 4 days, and the current weather and degrees outside. It also includes the city you live in over the globe that is just peaking out from behind the rest of this impressive widget. When swiping up, you get an even more detailed version of the entire week pertaining to the type of weather being forecast as well as the highs and lows for that week including the date for each day below.
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