I am (to a degree).
Many of usI have to meet deadlines and ALL the years I have been the private sector - I have been given deadlines and been expected to Meet them AND have my product be "Right".
Miss those deadlines OR have the product be sub-standard when delivered and you get - Fired.
That is real life.
Have any of you gotten a message (ever) "Sorry" or "Because of recent lack luster performance we are going to...."
From ANY of your "Tech provider's"? Cell phone, Cable Company, Electric co.... Anybody?
But depending on what you do for a living you can bet if YOU don't deliver YOU will be asked for a refund, price break, or worse.
I OWN my own Business and have Customers - IF I don't deliver and exceed expectations Every Time. I get my ass sued off or a variety of other punative measures.
What do we do? "Be patient, they are working on it. It's very technical stuff you know, maybe soon".
B.S. tired of mediocre performance. OH but wait..... what are the options? Not many and there in lies the rub folks.
Not a lot of competition and the performance shows that at least one side is keenly aware of that fact.
Don't forget to pay your Bill.
I don't think "they" will be ok with, "You're working on it".