Xoom video player?


Apr 3, 2011
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I downloaded rockplayer lite and the movies are choppy and skipping. There has to be a halfway decent video player for the Xoom 3.0.1. Any one have any ideas or suggestions? Thank you.

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I am using QQplayer and its worked best so far, but still skips. Maybe its because they are MP4's? Dunno.

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Gott'em from a torrent site, then converted to use on Xoom. Possibly wrong conversion?

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Thanks, again.

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rockplayer is good for avi, wmv and mkv
i suggest mVideoplayer for mp4 format.
Thanks, guys. Good suggestions all.

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Fixed,baby!! I downloaded the motohelper driver so my PC can recognize the Xoom. Open up "my computer" and the Xoom icon is there. Downloaded Fox Real converter and converted all my avi's to mp4's and the default Xoom player works better than I thought it would. Works perfect. Fox Real converter costs $35 bucks, but money well spent. I'm a novice at this and if I can do it anybody can.

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I'm a big fan of Foxreal to easily get DVD's to mp4's. I also use it to up convert SD to HD but it's at a cost of storage space. Box sets work great, then watch via micro hdmi cable without having to change out discs in the DVD player anymore.

It will be even better when SD card comes out for storing movies.

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The SD upgrade will be available when the 4G upgrade is ready next month. When you ship your Xoom to Motorola to have the hardware installed, they will also install the SD.

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The SD upgrade will be available when the 4G upgrade is ready next month. When you ship your Xoom to Motorola to have the hardware installed, they will also install the SD.

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so if we only have the wifi version, we still need to send in for sd upgrade? has this been confirmed?