...and the saga continues... Called verizon on Tuesday and was told that they'll ship me another phone under warranty. This now will make a total of four Droid Xs that I will have had in the past six months. Fed Ex called on Wednesday morning wanting to know my address. It seems that the genius I was dealing with somehow shipped it to a non-existent address in downtown Chicago which is some 650 miles from where I live.

Fed Ex wanted me to call Verizon and have them call Fed Ex to change the shipping address. I told Fed Ex to return it to Verizon. I called Verizon on Thursday, got the mess straightened out and was told that I'll have the phone on Friday. Friday came and went without a Fed Ex delivery but I did receive a shipment e-mail from Verizon telling me the phone shipped...on Friday!!!!

Now I won't have the phone until Monday and how much would you like to bet the problem remains? Probably should have gotten an iPhone.