Device: droid x
Carrier: verizon
Country / Language: USA, English
OS / Browser / build number: 2.3 gingerbread unrooted
The voice I expected when I opened Google navigation this morning was replaced at each turn with a surprising beep. Any suggestions on how I can resume directions by voice? I got maybe 3 or 4 route updates with the robotic lady and then it switched to a beep or ding for every route update. I restarted the navigation no joy and then restarted the phone and it did the same thing maybe 3 or 4 updates then back to the ding. I ride a motorcycle and the phone sits in my pocket so I cannot look at it I need to hear the robotic lady tell me where to turn. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Carrier: verizon
Country / Language: USA, English
OS / Browser / build number: 2.3 gingerbread unrooted
The voice I expected when I opened Google navigation this morning was replaced at each turn with a surprising beep. Any suggestions on how I can resume directions by voice? I got maybe 3 or 4 route updates with the robotic lady and then it switched to a beep or ding for every route update. I restarted the navigation no joy and then restarted the phone and it did the same thing maybe 3 or 4 updates then back to the ding. I ride a motorcycle and the phone sits in my pocket so I cannot look at it I need to hear the robotic lady tell me where to turn. Any help would be greatly appreciated