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Would u have gotten the charge?


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If u had the choice to make again. With the reboot and shut down issues and lengthy root process and poor battery life.

I have mixed feelings about my thunderbolt. The display on the charge is amazing. It's like watchingmy tv at home. Battery life is much better as well from what I've seen. It does feel cheaply made to me though and supposedly quadrants only around 1000. However I have 14 days to decide

ridin the lightning
I am right there with you my friend ... got the TB on the 11th and I am still within my 14 day period.

I went and played with the charge and yes the screen is impressive but IMO that's all that is impressive. It didn't feel "right" in my hands either, not sure is it's because of that "cheap" feel or what but it just didn't feel like a quality device. Also, the specs on the Charge were not all that impressive (I mean 512mb RAM ??? come on!)

As far as the Thunderbolt, fortunately I have not experienced the random reboots or shut downs. But, the battery life is beyond bad IMO. I went into it fully aware of the complaints posted by others, so I'm not looking for sympathy :D But GOOD GOD! It's beyond bad ... I ran stock for about 5 days and it was absolutely terrible. I decided to root it because the bloat is UNREAL!! So much pre-loaded crap it's ridiculous! So, I rooted and de-bloated with Root Explorer myself. Left everything stock - better battery life, but still not good enough IMO. So, I decided to flash a custom ROM and kernel ... granted I've only had it loaded about a day, but I have already noticed a difference in battery life.

I think these "quirks" will be ironed out on the TB eventually ... after all it was kinda the LTE guinea pig. I personally have called HTC and Verizon several times to voice my opinions and they both say getting the battery life and GPS locking issues are top priority. Granted they probably say that to everyone, but I personally think it'd be a big mistake for HTC to let these things go unresolved. This device already has a pretty large following and if people don't get their issues resolved it would be a huge black eye for HTC.

So, after all this rambling on I will finally answer your question :D No, I would not trade it for the Charge. But, I have (on several occasions) thought about going back to my D1 and holding out for the Bionic or LG Revolution or something else that may drop later this summer. But, I really do like this device and the already unreal amount of developer support! I mean, there is a HUGE ROM list to choose from already! And that list will only continue to grow.

So, I guess I am still kinda on the fence ... I ran it stock a few days and I'll run it rooted on a custom ROM for a few days. I have until the 25th to decide what I want to do.

Good luck to ya!
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Thanks for the reply yank. I agree with everything you said 100%. I've decided to stick it out with the tb. I have a feeling that updates will come on the near future that will alleviate battery life and certainly my rare reboot. Ive only had one (knock on wood). I am on the fence about rooting until after the next ota that fixes things as hopefully it won't be too long. Then ill root and start flashing roms..and take a crack at theming some.

Your post actually helped sooth my worries about the tb haha

ridin the lightning
Glad I could help ... like I said I am right there with you! There have been several times I found myself yelling "This piece of s**t is going back!!". lol

I am sure you've already seen this, but get the LTE OnOff app from the market. Use it to go between 4G and 3G. Even though I am in a 4G area I keep mine on 3G, CDMA auto (PRL), and that really helps battery. If I have to do some internet browsing I switch it back to 4G ... kinda a PITA but what can ya do?!
honestly i wish i would of waited. im not getting any of the reboots and i can deal with the battery. what i hate is the gps not showing my correct location. so yes i would of waited but bionic was delaid and verizon didnt have another device i felt that was adiquate. but what do i know.

honestly i wish i would of waited. im not getting any of the reboots and i can deal with the battery. what i hate is the gps not showing my correct location. so yes i would of waited but bionic was delaid and verizon didnt have another device i felt that was adiquate. but what do i know.


Yeah, the GPS thing REALLY pissed me off too! Mine would take FOREVER to lock, but once it did it was pretty accurate. But, waiting 20+ minutes for a lock is absurd!

Not advocating rooting because I know it's not for everyone, but once I loaded a custom ROM (Liquid Thundersense) my GPS is working great.

I did call HTC about this yesterday and they admitted that the last OTA that was supposed resolve the GPS issue failed (lol - no crap!). They are working on another OTA but of course had no ETA ...
my gps on navigation works pretty quickly. I got the recent OTA 1.13.605.7

I havent experienced the 20 minute wait yet....at least outdoors in my car I havent.

My only real complaints about the phone are the 1 reboot/shutdown Ive had, the horrid battery life, no 3g/4g toggle, and lack of ability to silence phone from lockscreen. I didnt go into the TB with the expectations to have lockscreen options, and tons of features. Also, it would be nice if the notification pulldown had power widgets rather than the redundant recently used apps. Hell I can access that by longpressing the home softkey. I also miss my lockscreen music controls.

and lastly another gripe I found this morning. My alarm clock setting says...snooze using sidekeys...but its not the sidekeys that make it snooze...its the power button. Simple wording change on UI would suffice.

Then again, Im comparing with what I am used to with the D1...which has more rom options than any phone I know of. I think patience is the key.

I am also considering buying the extended battery (not the huge one, but the 1600 ma one. Supposedly it only offers about an hour more life, but...I think coupled with a custom ROM and screen off underclocking...I can get my phone to provide me with a full day of use on a charge. THAT I can live with. But 4-6 hours with heavy use is abysmal.
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I would have still purchased the T-bolt

I'm unrooted, yet my battery life isn't bad. The T-bolt has better hardware and I haven't had any shutdown/reboot problems at all. I got mine on release day.
I must admit gps is off and I hope that will be improved with future updates, though its off I can make out where I am at and where I am going. With that said I can see customers being unhappy about that. But the charge has its fair problems as well. With the first batch of lte devices I expect some growing pains. Hence why I think next year we will see oems provide better lte devices.
I haven't had any battery issues. Mine lasts all day long on 3g and with moderate use lasts most of the day on 4g. I'm not rooted or custom. Now I've seen big mix of results with good life like mine and terrible battery life like yours and I don't doubt either camp.
I'm curious if someone with more phone tech knowledge than me can dig in and figure out why this is. Could it be that I'm in a strong 4G and Verizon area(Atlanta) so my phone isn't searching for a signal all the time? Are there different versions of the hardware (I got my TBolt about 2 weeks after it was released)? Etc. etc.
I have been vocal about this phone lately. I really liked it dispute the terrible battery life.

But the update really messed it up. Reboots, flat out turning itself off,half the time I Lose any data connection. Odd quirks here and there. I got some kind of DRM license thing when I tried to play back a video that I shot with the phone.

Other than the gps locking on a lot faster the update ruined a good phone.

So yes now I regret buying this phone.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I would not leave the thunderbolt. My phone is working flawlessly. My GPS and navigation work perfectly. I don't have any random reboots.

Because of this I feel others should have the same experience. I honestly don't understand why others are having so many problems.

I am sure things will get worked out.

I had problems with my network and gps back when Verizon was having 4g issues. But they got it all sorted out.
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well thanks but its that my gps says im actualy 1,5 hrs away i live in lansing mi and when i open google maps it says im just outside kalamazoo mi. so i would say its a lil off. and i even flash the new radio leak witch turned out to be the actual ota ruu.
And having your phone reboot during writing a long email or during a call is just unacceptable for any phone.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForumsng
I would still purchase the TB over the Charge without hesitation. My main reason would simple be that I don't buy phones because of their displays, I buy them for performance. Although I've never owned the Evo 4G or the Fascinate, I have to friends that do and I've got to play with both of their phones for a reasonable amount of time a while back to conclude that HTC high end phones perform much better than Samsung high end phones. I was also aware that HTC's phone had poor battery life versus Samsung, but I come from a rooted Droid and know how to manage my battery life so I didn't even see that as a issue.