Obviously Verizon offers a hotspot service that allows you to share your data with your tablet, PC, or gaming device. They also charge you $20 for the privilege. It has been discovered that the SQlite hack that allowed us to use the Wireless tether on our Bionics also works on the new RAZR HD. To get it all working you will need Sqlite editor. It is $2.99 from the playstore.
The Hack is easy if you are into simple tinkering follow the Source link for a full guide. Otherwise FoxFi has been updated to support the RAZR HD!
It was pointed out by DroidForums Member SteveIrv that those of you who are on the Shared Data plan are free to share data between devices with included hotspot. Also if you are not on the Shared Data Plan it may violate your Terms Of Service if you use an app like FoxFi to circumvent the $20 hotspot fee, so use at your own risk.
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