wifi won't completely connect?


Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
I have an intermittent problem that just started over the weekend. My wifi connects to 'white' but won't turn blue and actually connect. Some websites just clock and others give me an orange triangle with network error on it. It doesn't happen everywhere, I can connect at home, at McDonald's and at Verizon. But at work and other places that I've always been able to connect, suddenly doesn't.
I have a Razr MAXX on VZW and I am not rooted, using ICS. I've rebooted the phone, and turned wifi on and off numerous times. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried forgetting the network and reconnecting it? May want to ask some of your coworkers if they can get onto work wifi, maybe your work changed their settings?
Have you tried forgetting the network and reconnecting it? May want to ask some of your coworkers if they can get onto work wifi, maybe your work changed their settings?

I've tried that, yes. And no, that didn't solve the problem either. Thanks, though!
Hi have you tried going into settings >wifi hit the menu key then on the menu that comes up hitting advanced and unchecking where it says avoid poor connections ? Hope this helps.
I've tried that, yes. And no, that didn't solve the problem either. Thanks, though!

Most of the time when I've ran into this problem myself is because the connection is weak or wifi settings were changed.