Wifi - Specific APs - Obtain IP Address Unsuccessful


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
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I know that the Droid has been plagued with several issues regarding it's wifi. I've searched and searched the net but haven't found an answer to my problem.

I have connected to several different routers and access points since I got my phone. At home and in public. Some open, wep, wpa/wpa2. However, the one place that I have had ZERO success is at work. I've tried several (maybe 50 time) over the past 3 months to connect to the wifi network, and every time, it sits at "Obtaining IP Address from <% AP %>, then eventually stays "Unsuccessful". I've never connected, not even once.

This is a network with several APs sharing one SSID. The droid see's it at a WPA/WPA2 secured network. I've confirmed with several different people on several different devices that I'm using the correct password.

It seems a vast majority of people is wifi issues have been able to connect, but that the connection is very flaky and unreliable. This is not my issue. I know about the Moto forum thread on wifi issues, which is about 70 pages at this point, I've read most of them, but I just want an answer, an most of the people in the thread are not describing the same symptoms as I am.

If it is a work system, it may have MAC filtering on in addition to WPA. Or it could be that it has given out all the IP addresses it has available. Have you talked to the IT guys about obtaining access? Since you can connect elsewhere it sounds like an IT issue rather than a droid issue.

I have thought about that, it's very possible. However, I've seen iPhones connect with no problem, without being added to a MAC list. We contract most of our network services out, so it's hard to get any face time with them.

I've seen posts about the droid sending out packets that some APs don't like, and they blacklist the MACs. I'll have to try and get someone in the office to take a look at some logs if possible.

I too have this same Problem. We use SonicWall SonicPoints that share the same SSID. My phone sees the SSID and I enter the WPA password and it just sits at Otaining IP address. I have successfully connect in many other locations and varied devices such as Linksys, Netgear, and D-Link.