I have a Modem/router at home and I should be able to WiFi from it with my Moto D2G. I want to do this because my 3G signal is usable but sometime weak. When I click Wifi on the phone the laptop entry will say "remembered" and "secured with WEP", but then it's starts cycling through "obtaining IP address from (my laptop)" on the "Wi-Fi settings" portion of the screen. On the "Wi-Fi networks" part of the screen for this laptop it also says "obtaining IP address..." <-just like this. I thought maybe I could manually enter the IP address but I'm not sure where to get this information. I've done the "ipconfig /all" from the cmd prompt box, but it just says what's available with "ipconfig", or I don't know which ipconfig extra, like "ipconfig / release", I'm supposed to use. I'd appreciate any help or advice. Thanks.