First, let me say I am a long, long time Apple user. I can date my lineage back to my II/e. So I got sucked into the cultish little iphone a few years ago, knowing ATT sucks.
The straw that broke the camel's back and got me to Droid was the (true) conspiracy theory that iOS4 actually made the older iPhones slower, less battery life and more dropped calls. It was obvious that Mr. Jobs was doing a Bill Gates and forcing an upgrade. So between that and ATT dropping one out of 4 (no exaggeration, I actually tracked it for two weeks!), Goodbye Mr. Jobs, hello Droid X.
Anyone other recent refugees from iPhone land believe this (true) conspiracy story of the iOS4?
The straw that broke the camel's back and got me to Droid was the (true) conspiracy theory that iOS4 actually made the older iPhones slower, less battery life and more dropped calls. It was obvious that Mr. Jobs was doing a Bill Gates and forcing an upgrade. So between that and ATT dropping one out of 4 (no exaggeration, I actually tracked it for two weeks!), Goodbye Mr. Jobs, hello Droid X.
Anyone other recent refugees from iPhone land believe this (true) conspiracy story of the iOS4?