Why does rebooting the tbolt eat so much battery???


Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
I charge up my phone over night...reboot it in the morning (while still being plugged in) and it will drop 5% battery level? Seems very excessive, maybe if it was unplugged I could understand it depleting the battery more(although 5% still seems high) .

But not being plugged in.
Wow that's astonishing! Glad I didn't get that phone like I intended to.. will wait on the Dx2-- good luck

Sent from my DROIDX
This is with 4G being turned off also.
You know you still want the Thunderbolt.

Sent from my rooted Thunderbolt, VirusROM AirborneTB
Ha ha.. I tried the thunderbolt at the Verizon. Dude I wasn't impressed @ all compared to the Dx1

Sent from my DROIDX
don't get me wrong...its a grate phone(battery life aside) just always surprised by the marked drop in battery % from simply rebooting the phone while plugged in.
It might be reading the battery wrong. Seems to be an issue, which is why bump charge. Don't know why it's like that, but it seems to be. Are you rooted or anything?

Sent from my ADR6400L
Yeah lol, if you're not impressed over a Dx1 you don't know what to look for.

Anyway, it is a glitch in the reading of the battery, it doesn't actually drop that much. It does the same thing on an extended battery, even 10% sometimes, but I get 24-36 hours from my extended, so no way am I dropping 10% in 1 minute.
I have noticed, after it reboots and shows the drop, it will drop slower after that, sometimes sticking at its current level for some time.

Hopefully we'll see a software update to fix it. If not. I really could care less since its not really using up my battery.

Sent from the hand of zeus!
Exactly -- hemorrdoid (lol awesome name) is correct. I texted this out and restarted 4-5 times just to see if I could get it to 0%. It stopped at about 30% and spent the next 10 hours at 28%. The battery gauge is a farce - don't trust it and enjoy your phone!

Although I admit the Droid X is a nice phone, it doesn't compare to the Thunderbolt at all. I wouldn't give up the ability to root for anything. But to each his/her own.