Probably one more tech issue away from a full blown mental breakdown, so hopefully someone can help!
I have a razr m, and early on when I would connect it to my computer, I was able to access the phone through Windows Explorer, and move/add files through drag and drop. Now when I connect the phone as a Media Device, I don't even see it in Explorer...all I get is that god forsaken Backup Assistant (which I finally turned off). The phone is not in explorer therefore I can't access anything on it. I went into the MOtorola Device Manager and updated the drivers (several times). did nothing.
If I swit to Connect as a Camera, I get a little icon that says "X907" and I can drill down into the pictures on my phone (I believe they're the ones on the SD card), but if I try to drag and drop a video file into any of these folders, I get the NO DICE icon (won't let me do it). For an annoying workaround, I've been taking out the SD card and connecting to the computer directly via adapter, transferring whatever files I want, and putting it back in the phone. I've done that probably 10 times, yet today when I went to do it, the computer all of a sudden doesn't recognize the adapter.
There is absolutely no reason why my phone shouldn't show up in Explorer and allow to me move files to or from the SD card or stock memory like every other G** D*** phone on earth. And it used to, so I don't know what happened but I need someone to just tell me how to do it so I can go back to being normal.
What do you guys do? Don't you just plug it in and it allows you to access the files in Explorer?
I have a razr m, and early on when I would connect it to my computer, I was able to access the phone through Windows Explorer, and move/add files through drag and drop. Now when I connect the phone as a Media Device, I don't even see it in Explorer...all I get is that god forsaken Backup Assistant (which I finally turned off). The phone is not in explorer therefore I can't access anything on it. I went into the MOtorola Device Manager and updated the drivers (several times). did nothing.
If I swit to Connect as a Camera, I get a little icon that says "X907" and I can drill down into the pictures on my phone (I believe they're the ones on the SD card), but if I try to drag and drop a video file into any of these folders, I get the NO DICE icon (won't let me do it). For an annoying workaround, I've been taking out the SD card and connecting to the computer directly via adapter, transferring whatever files I want, and putting it back in the phone. I've done that probably 10 times, yet today when I went to do it, the computer all of a sudden doesn't recognize the adapter.
There is absolutely no reason why my phone shouldn't show up in Explorer and allow to me move files to or from the SD card or stock memory like every other G** D*** phone on earth. And it used to, so I don't know what happened but I need someone to just tell me how to do it so I can go back to being normal.
What do you guys do? Don't you just plug it in and it allows you to access the files in Explorer?