I will not be picking up this device for 2 reasons:
1. I already have an s4 and am completely happy with it
2. It's an LG device
Let me elaborate on #2 with my personal experience. Before my smartphone days I picked up an LG (forget the model) and that stupid thing died on me a month into ownership. Anyone that knows me know I take excellent care of my devices and almost baby them, but this thing just died on me out of the blue. So I got a replacement and that worked, for 2wks and it died on me again. So I moved on to another brand of phone which lived the rest of my ownership.
Fast forward to when the Droid was released and the rest of my family picked up enV2's. All 3 of them died within the year, again hardware failure. Both my parents take good care of their devices and my sister's was pretty beat up, but still alive. All 3 of them died around the same time after all 3 of the batteries were shot after 6mo. I forgot which phones they all moved onto after that but I think it might've been their iPhones. Either way, all 3 of them were off the LG bus and vow never to buy again.
Outside of their cell phone devices I have a few family members with LG appliances. One of them had a fridge, died just outside of a year and they went through a major headache just to get it fixed under warranty. Another relative had LG washer and dryer, the dryer suddenly stopped working and the washer stopped dispensing detergent about 1yr into ownership/use.
Too many bad experiences with the company for me to even consider another one of their products. The G2 could be rated the greatest Android device for all I care, I will not buy it. Heck, their company could be rated #1 in quality control and customer satisfaction and I still wouldn't consider any of their products. My family and I have been burned by LG too many times and for their products to last not even 2yrs is ridiculous. And no we don't use our devices in any unordinary way, they were used as they were expected to be used. Call it bad luck, but I've never had this problem with any of my other products made by different manufacturers. We avoid LG like the plague.