After picking up the original razr back on 11-11-11 and then upgrading to the maxx in February, i must say i still love this phone! After having over a dozen smart phones in the past years (bionic, charge,tbolt, x, x2, sony experia, fascinate, incredible 1, hd2 (ugh), G1, vibrant, and maybe some Must say this phone is still the shizz! Lock our not, to each his/her own. Very smooth, fast device with little or no issues at all, hands down (to me) the best all around phone! Of course i might upgrade again to the razr HD or similar when im due for my upgrade!
I know im a smart phone techie, like most of us, we love to root, rom, and customize! But i don't feel the need to with this phone, because it's plenty good as is! Just rooted for the tethering is all.
all in all, just a lil bored and wanted to post some positives about our phones.

I know im a smart phone techie, like most of us, we love to root, rom, and customize! But i don't feel the need to with this phone, because it's plenty good as is! Just rooted for the tethering is all.