Who gave you your first cigarette?


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
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Trying to get some unofficial numbers on where/how you got started smoking, if you are/were a smoker...
OK....I will start.....

It was my (ex)girlfriend 23 years ago after we had sex. I have not had a cigarette in 6 years......even when i smoked it was only maybe 6 a day.
OK....I will start.....

It was my (ex)girlfriend 23 years ago after we had sex. I have not had a cigarette in 6 years......even when i smoked it was only maybe 6 a day.

Damn I miss those days!!:biggrin: (not the smoking days. The being 16 and no worries in the world days)
Oh man, I remember this like it was yesterday. I was in grade school and was really influenced by the DARE program so I though cigarettes were the worst thing on the planet. One night a couple of the "cool" kids from school who lived in my neighborhood threw pebbles at my window and so I snuck out to go hang with them. We went to the neighborhood park where one of them pulled out a cigarette for us to try. I just completely froze...the combination of having snuck out of the house in the middle of the night plus the cigarette plus the peer pressure was sensory overload for me. I took one puff (had no idea what I was doing), felt my life flash before my eyes, and that was that. 15+ years later and that's the only cigarette puff I've ever taken in my life.
You are doing better than me. Never even puffed a cigarette. Ever.

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You are doing better than me. Never even puffed a cigarette. Ever.

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Same here :smile-b:

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My friend got me smoking...lol... He didn't try to pressure... Just was like you want one? Some times I said no sometimes I said yes (back then...haha)

"I'll get you my little pretty... And your little dog todo too"
"I don't even have a little dog todo"
I stole one from my mom when I was about sixteen or seventeen and it was awful. I didn't smoke another one until I was on a river toobing trip a year or two ago, and those are the only two cigarettes I've ever puffed!
Cigars, on the other hand... Wood-tip wine flavored Black & Mild's are perfect for long road trips (which seem to happen often here in Texas).
My Uncle gave me one when I was 10 because I asked for it. I ran out of the house across the street to my friends because I was cool and wanted to show them. I lit it, inhaled, coughed my lungs out, got dizzy then sick. Never smoked one ever again. When I was out being "cool" with my friends I heard my Aunt had yelled at my Uncle "why did you give him a cigarette?!!" His reply; "because he will never smoke another one again." :big smile:

True story and he was right
Never smoked, cigarettes, cigars or cannabis. I hate the smell of smoke.

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Found a pack of unfiltered cigarettes when I was 12 so I decided to smoke them. I smoked the whole pack in about 3 hours. At first only puffing one or two smokes from each before putting it out and when done with all 20 of then I relight the buds and smoke the rest. One week later somebody gave me a filtered cigarette which after a pack of unfiltered seemed like the best thing ever. I smoked for 15+ years till I decided to quit, well not exactly quit cause I am not a quitter but for the last year I only smoked occasionally couple cigarettes per month.
I had my lungs checked to see what were the effects for starting smoking at such a young age and my lung function, capacity and health is well above a normal person, actually it's so good that most the devices they used to measure my lung function went off the scale, even my doctor joked that I can start smoking full time again with no problems.
You are doing better than me. Never even puffed a cigarette. Ever.

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My grandpa was a heavy chain smoker. Everyday he went outside he told me and my cousins never to smoke and that it's bad for you and also a waste of money. Haven't even touched one in all my life.
My experience is similar. When I was a teenager, smokers would ask me if I wanted one. When I told them I didn't smoke, they'd always say something like "Good, don't start, or you won't be able to quit, like me" and start laughing.
I don't recall anyone ever pressuring me to smoke.

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One night I was with my younger cousin and aunts boyfriend, and my aunts bf offered so I tried it. Wasn't too bad. But I wasn't too thrilled about it. I've tried a couple here and there at parties. But on my own it was only a few months ago where I bought my own pack of lucky strikes, then camels. To me smoking is whatever i'd probably do it here and there but I couldn't be a chain smoker but I could also go without smoking.

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I used to hang out with a co-worker who was a heavy smoker. One day a teenage kid walked up to us when we were dining outdoors, and asked her for a cigarette (she was smoking at the time). She started pulling out a cigarette, when I asked her what she thought she was doing. Very awkward moment, but I figure kids have strange ways of getting cigarettes.

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