I'm actually a bit worried we haven't seen more of an announcement to the public by now.
We're less than a month away, give or take a few days and anyone who doesn't listen to everything Sanja Jha says would have no clue that the Bionic was even coming out. That to me looks like a company who isn't very concerned about whether the product sells or not.
This could mean a few things obviously, but to me it seems like they know a better phone is coming out just around the corner and they'd rather not spend all the advertising money on the Bionic when they're going to need it for the next phone later on.
These things are highly thought out by marketing strategist, they don't just throw things together last minute. When you're spending millions on marketing, it's something you've had planned for a long time and I'm just a bit worried that the Bionic isn't their main focus anymore.
Does Motorola think that the Iphone 5 is going to be Verizon's baby in September/October so they decided not to waste their efforts on pushing the Bionic? Who knows. I just feel like a company that's put so much money into a phone like the Bionic would want to show off their work, show that they succeeded in making the first 4G LTE, dual core, large screen phone that isn't crippled by poor battery performance.
I mean, am I reaching here? Maybe a little paranoid?
I guess I'm just curious as to whether I'm alone in thinking that something just doesn't feel right about this whole situation.