When Will the ThunderBolt Be Available for Purchase

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Yes sir, I am on duty. I guess it's time for us east coasters to start our shift :)
Geez, I crashed early last night and woke up to 13 pages I had missed. At first I felt like the poor girl who had to stay home from prom without a date. But after reading all of it I realized going to prom with stumblefly would have been like going to prom with the guy who gets sloppy drunk and pukes on your shoes. Whew, dodged a bullet.

On topic, there were some glimmers of hope for Mar 3 or 4! Hoping today brings some more potentially good news.
Geez, I crashed early last night and woke up to 13 pages I had missed. At first I felt like the poor girl who had to stay home from prom without a date. But after reading all of it I realized going to prom with stumblefly would have been like going to prom with the guy who gets sloppy drunk and pukes on your shoes. Whew, dodged a bullet.

On topic, there were some glimmers of hope for Mar 3 or 4! Hoping today brings some more potentially good news.

Good analogy.

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Yes but the EVO has 1500 mah battery and the TB has a 1400 which could definitely cause some problems.

It appears you did not read my post. A 30% lower power consumption combined with a 7% less battery capacity it what I said. Although it certainly could be, worse talk time/time between charges shouldn't be an issue with the TB, it almost must be substantially better than the Evo 4G.


10 char
All of the Thunderbolt commercials on VZW's Youtube channel are gone... uh oh.
Im starting to get pretty annoyed.
Where did the thread about the latest rumor of bad battery life causing the delay go? It was at the top of the droidforums.net homepage and now it is gone. Interesting......
Where did the thread about the latest rumor of bad battery life causing the delay go? It was at the top of the droidforums.net homepage and now it is gone. Interesting......
I posted it and removed it, we are trying to stick to the facts as opposed to rumors -
All of the Thunderbolt commercials on VZW's Youtube channel are gone... uh oh.
Im starting to get pretty annoyed.

Why I can see perhaps being disappointed, annoyed is another thing. Verizon didn't give a launch date on this phone and start pushing it back. All we had were what we have now, rumors, glimpses and speculation.

So far I haven't seen a single commercial on television for TB, I have however seen the commercial with 4G LTE and a lot of lightning and thunder. I figured the lightning and thunder made sense since Thunderbolt would be the first one.

So maybe kind of a commercial, within the commercial? Guess not.
I am annoyed. BB has had my fifty bucks since Feb 13. While I understand that Verizon is not totally responsible for bb, I do not buy for one second the notion that bb is some rogue force pulling random release dates out of the air. Clearly big red has had a part in bb thinking the phone would be out MUCH earlier. As far as I am concerned Verizon is just as culpable as bb in this whole stinking pre-order, botched release date debacle!
I am annoyed. BB has had my fifty bucks since Feb 13. While I understand that Verizon is not totally responsible for bb, I do not buy for one second the notion that bb is some rogue force pulling random release dates out of the air. Clearly big red has had a part in bb thinking the phone would be out MUCH earlier. As far as I am concerned Verizon is just as culpable as bb in this whole stinking pre-order, botched release date debacle!
1. If you're annoyed, can you get your money back?
2. What was the original hard release date? I don't know how it can be botched when there was never one given.
BB has given several hard release dates! lol Clearly they have been wrong. But my point is that it is not completely unfounded to be teed of with this situation. I am confused by the notion that BB has been operating completely independently of big red and that big red is blameless because they themselves have not published a date.
You would think that the battery life issue (if it is true) would have been caught earlier on in testing... unless a recent software/firmware change caused it to degrade much more quickly than before. Unless that change was a heavy duty requirement (or too tightly intertwined with other changes), you would think it could be backed out and resolved after the fact and then pushed via a post-release OTA fix.

I would love to see what the user acceptance test requirements are for battery life on the phone (or any phone). The talk time/standby time stats phones usually come out with are bogus since that metric is essentially the same one that was used 10 years ago - nobody uses a smartphone JUST for talk and standby. There should be new metrics for battery life like; low use, moderate use, heavy use... and define them consistently across manufacturers.
BB has given several hard release dates! lol Clearly they have been wrong. But my point is that it is not completely unfounded to be teed of with this situation. I am confused by the notion that BB has been operating completely independently of big red and that big red is blameless because they themselves have not published a date.
Ok, I meant to say VZW hard release date. It hasn't happened. And, I never saw any corporate BB announcement of a hard release date either.

Go see if you can get a refund of your deposit if you're that upset about it.
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