Within a week I will be updating to a new Verizon smartphone. This will be my first smartphone and am focusing on an Incredible 2. However, some research revealed possible weak reception for the phone. I live in the country in a "signal challenged" area and this good be a deal breaker. After looking at what Verizon has to offer my second choice would be an iPhone 4. However, I would prefer an Android.
Usually you hear about problems on forums and those without problems rarely write in. I would like to hear of your experience with phone reception good or bad. (the last thread I read on this is about a month old so you should have almost 4 more weeks of usage). So how about it. Is your reception as good as or better than expected (or compared to other phones) or is it worse?
Usually you hear about problems on forums and those without problems rarely write in. I would like to hear of your experience with phone reception good or bad. (the last thread I read on this is about a month old so you should have almost 4 more weeks of usage). So how about it. Is your reception as good as or better than expected (or compared to other phones) or is it worse?