Seriously. This is something that has been bugging the absolute crap out of me since the day I got it. It simply cannot lock onto my GPS location in order to actually use the Navigation. Its constantly switching between locations and never sticks. And when it does stick, its only temporarily before it loses it.
Whats most frustrating about this is that on Maps, the lock is immediate, and its always correct to a couple feet. So why doesn't that translate over to Navigation (or heck, even Tasker or any other app that uses GPS). I have the OTA update, so thats not the problem. So what in the world is it, and what on Earth can I do to fix it? I have a Garmin, so its not overly necessary to use Navi, but for times when I don't have it, or want to find something quick, it absolutely 100% sucks that the TBolt is so poor in this area.
Whats most frustrating about this is that on Maps, the lock is immediate, and its always correct to a couple feet. So why doesn't that translate over to Navigation (or heck, even Tasker or any other app that uses GPS). I have the OTA update, so thats not the problem. So what in the world is it, and what on Earth can I do to fix it? I have a Garmin, so its not overly necessary to use Navi, but for times when I don't have it, or want to find something quick, it absolutely 100% sucks that the TBolt is so poor in this area.