What's Causing the delay of the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon?

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They care a lot actually. If they didn't, they wouldn't be trying to fight Google Wallet so much. And they do know they would lose a good phone if they couldn't release this. That's why back in September, every Verizon exec. was ranting and raving about this phone. There are going to be a lot of people who want this phone. This phone has been publicized way more than you are making it out to be. You make it seem like every person is ignorant and blind of android which is hardly the case. There are tons of people who know all about android phones and about the nexus phones. Verizon knows this.

And just because they're rated #1 doesn't mean they're doing a good job.

It hasn't been publicized in the mainstream nearly as much (if at all) as you pretend it has been. VZW really doesn't care about or want unlocked phones - even within this forum it's a deal breaker for a minority of people. A good number of people who have rooted their D1 did so because of performance reasons and probably won't have need or desire to do that with any of the newer phones.

VZW was excited about the phone because it was the first with ICS. I wouldn't bet money it will even outsell the RAZR or Rezound (or possibly the D4). Except for a very small percentage of customers, people would gladly buy one of those other phones, especially the Moto phones, and be none the wiser.

VZW needed a high-end Galaxy phone, and I think they were killing two birds with one stone getting ICS also. I don't think they care about a pure Google device - that market is less than 1% of customers.
I'd like to know where all you are getting these statistics from. Sounds to me like y'all are just pulling numbers out of your butt and presenting as facts.

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Santa's Elfs are busy loading the sleigh with the droid 4 to drop off at my tree after that they will get to your inferior techno devices :)
I'd like to know where all you are getting these statistics from. Sounds to me like y'all are just pulling numbers out of your butt and presenting as facts.

VZW has something like 40M smartphone users. How many registered users on this forum? Is it even close to 500k? How many of those are actually rooted and actively flashing roms? 1% of VZW smartphone users is probably a generous estimate.
I find it funny no one really knows what's going on, first everyone blames verizon for the delays, then word has it, its about google wallet, next now its delayed to software updates. So how does anyone know that maybe google has been much of the case for the delay cause of sotware updates. No one does and again I just believe all u guys making these absumptions is somewhat premature.

A lot of u are worried google may never come back to verizon again and to think that is a lil dumb at this point if u ask me. Idk I'm not trying to fight anyone, I'm just saying I think there's more to it then what's getting said and until facts are facts I guess its whatever anyone wants to think.

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It hasn't been publicized in the mainstream nearly as much (if at all) as you pretend it has been. VZW really doesn't care about or want unlocked phones - even within this forum it's a deal breaker for a minority of people. A good number of people who have rooted their D1 did so because of performance reasons and probably won't have need or desire to do that with any of the newer phones.

VZW was excited about the phone because it was the first with ICS. I wouldn't bet money it will even outsell the RAZR or Rezound (or possibly the D4). Except for a very small percentage of customers, people would gladly buy one of those other phones, especially the Moto phones, and be none the wiser.

VZW needed a high-end Galaxy phone, and I think they were killing two birds with one stone getting ICS also. I don't think they care about a pure Google device - that market is less than 1% of customers.

First I would say I respectfully disagree. Key being respect. Now don't start attacking me because I don't agree because you will lose that battle.

Secondly, I've seen the GN on every news network and every respectable news sites on the web. Just because Verizon isn't advertising it heavily doesn't mean people don't know about it.

Third, this isn't just about it being unlocked. If you're stuck on that then you need to see the larger picture. People want a phone without the manufacturer skins. People want a nice powerful and sleek phone. We can't even begin to speculate on how it would sell because Verizon has never had a Nexus phone to sell.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I find it funny no one really knows what's going on, first everyone blames verizon for the delays, then word has it, its about google wallet, next now its delayed to software updates. So how does anyone know that maybe google has been much of the case for the delay cause of sotware updates. No one does and again I just believe all u guys making these absumptions is somewhat premature.

A lot of u are worried google may never come back to verizon again and to think that is a lil dumb at this point if u ask me. Idk I'm not trying to fight anyone, I'm just saying I think there's more to it then what's getting said and until facts are facts I guess its whatever anyone wants to think.

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In the end it doesn't really matter. Delayed is delayed so we won't see it until it's released. I guess a lot of people are just tired of waiting.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
It hasn't been publicized in the mainstream nearly as much (if at all) as you pretend it has been. VZW really doesn't care about or want unlocked phones - even within this forum it's a deal breaker for a minority of people. A good number of people who have rooted their D1 did so because of performance reasons and probably won't have need or desire to do that with any of the newer phones.

VZW was excited about the phone because it was the first with ICS. I wouldn't bet money it will even outsell the RAZR or Rezound (or possibly the D4). Except for a very small percentage of customers, people would gladly buy one of those other phones, especially the Moto phones, and be none the wiser.

VZW needed a high-end Galaxy phone, and I think they were killing two birds with one stone getting ICS also. I don't think they care about a pure Google device - that market is less than 1% of customers.

I'm not sure that I agree with that. You might be correct about only 1% wanting to root and load ROMs, but I wonder how many are like me. I don't want to mod my phone, but I want one without all the crap that Verizon and the manufacturers put on the phone, like vcast everything, Blockbuster, etc. I just want a phone more like my Droid, but one that is faster and not out of memory.
It isn't unlimited. Throttling speeds down to dial-up after you cross 2GB isn't what I consider "Unlimited".

But you can still use as much data as you want regardless of throttling. They're not gonna be like "oh you went over 2 gb, were gonna block all your data now"

Sent from my Droid 3 directly to YOU!
VZW has something like 40M smartphone users. How many registered users on this forum? Is it even close to 500k? How many of those are actually rooted and actively flashing roms? 1% of VZW smartphone users is probably a generous estimate.

But then again, this isn't the only forum with devs and such.

Sent from my Droid 3 directly to YOU!
I'm not sure that I agree with that. You might be correct about only 1% wanting to root and load ROMs, but I wonder how many are like me. I don't want to mod my phone, but I want one without all the crap that Verizon and the manufacturers put on the phone, like vcast everything, Blockbuster, etc. I just want a phone more like my Droid, but one that is faster and not out of memory.

Ehh, the sales numbers say otherwise.

Outside of this forum and the geek tech sites, I just don't hear people talking about unlocked and bloatware, if they even know what either is (much less truly care). Otherwise, no use in arguing with people who refuse to acknowledge basic statistics just because it refutes what they want to believe (not directed at you). I'll leave it at that.
Needed some AA batteries so of course I stopped by Radio Shack - given that's all they're really good for these days - and in checking out I just asked the gentle question.

YES - they do have them, sitting in the back.

YES - they were informed, via email, that they were not to sell them under any circumstances.

YES - they were told that doing so would result in immediate termination.

YES - it was Verizon who issued the directive, not Google, not Radio Shack corporate, but Verizon. (<<< this one concerns me. Shouldn't a person be able to buy a phone straight from whoever, without a contract? Why would Verizon be able to block unsub purchase of the device?)

However, the guy said something else that was noted in the email...that according to Verizon the primary reason for the delay is that ICS "...is not ready for consumer use". I found that very interesting, and I wonder if Google knows that Verizon is putting such verbiage in their notifications to retailers, because it's obviously not factual.

For me it's moot - after reading numerous reviews on the web, the general consensus is something to the effect of "ICS is fantastic, the Nexus is meh, if it didn't have ICS it'd be just another phone". Given that, I've pretty much resolved myself to keeping the RAZR and upgrading it when the time comes. I enjoy it a lot outside of a few niggling random screen issues, most of which may be fixed in ICS anyway. Considered the Rezound but I just can't accept a device that is physically unattractive, and I'm kind of burnt out on HTC anyway.
YES - it was Verizon who issued the directive, not Google, not Radio Shack corporate, but Verizon. (<<< this one concerns me. Shouldn't a person be able to buy a phone straight from whoever, without a contract? Why would Verizon be able to block unsub purchase of the device?)

Lol r u serious???? Of course Verizon is going to, radio shack, costco, best buy, etc are not on a contract basis with samsung or google on this paticular product, its verizon, its on verizons network and they r gonna have the say to theses companies when it can be sold, not google, not samsung.

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Lol r u serious???? Of course Verizon is going to, radio shack, costco, best buy, etc are not on a contract basis with samsung or google on this paticular product, its verizon, its on verizons network and they r gonna have the say to theses companies when it can be sold, not google, not samsung.

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Back in 2003, I purchased a phone known only as the NEC 515 HDM. Back then, AT&T Wireless was a separate, prepaid-only provider, having nothing to do with-then AT&T/Cingular. The NEC 515 HDM was not sold by anyone in the US, I had to buy it directly from NEC, and I did so because at the time it had the best screen quality. AT&T couldn't stop me from buying that phone. They COULD stop me from activating it on their network, but they didn't.

Verizon has every right to prevent activation of any device they choose. They have the right to not sell me a phone under contract. They have the right to prevent retailers from selling the phones with contracts. But buying an unsub phone is the same thing as taking a credit union check to the local Ford dealer and buying a Focus without financing it. Once it's paid for, Ford has no say-so in what I do with that car.

So no, I don't agree that Verizon should have say-so over me PURCHASING an unsub device. I'm fine with them preventing me from activating it until they allow it, but I should be able to buy it at full price if I chose to, and retailers should be able to sell it if they chose to, unless Google says not to (since Google is the one who owns the hardware).

Galaxy Nexus release by Verizon = Epic Fail

Would not surprise me if Verizon canceled the phone entirely and had all of them shipped back at this point. And then proceeded to turn off a few people activated GN's they happen to buy already and demand they be returned to the store.
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