I know there are still a lot of users here stuck with Thunderbolts (me, unfortunately one of them), but that means a whole slew of us should be due for an upgrade at relatively the same time! Me: I foolishly upgraded last year around this time, and won't be able to upgrade until next Jan. However, I figure that will be perfect to asses the phones and make the perfect decision. The GS3 should be a couple months old by then (in Verizon standards), Sony will probably have something cool out, Moto will be pumping out new phones, and usually the Nexus/new OS drops in the fall/winter.
So when is your upgrade, and what will be your next phone, whether through upgrade or through buying outright off-contract: The Samsung Galaxy S3, the HTC One X (if it comes to Verizon), the Galaxy Note/Journal, the Razr Maxx HD (whatever they decide to call it), or whatever mystery phone Sony has up it's sleeve?
edit- Me, I'm leaning towards a Galaxy S3. I always wanted the S2, and having a Thunderbolt has made me afraid of HTC phones. I also know the following behind the S3 will be huge, so the dev community should be there to support it. Of course, I'll wait to see what is rootable/unlockable.
So when is your upgrade, and what will be your next phone, whether through upgrade or through buying outright off-contract: The Samsung Galaxy S3, the HTC One X (if it comes to Verizon), the Galaxy Note/Journal, the Razr Maxx HD (whatever they decide to call it), or whatever mystery phone Sony has up it's sleeve?
edit- Me, I'm leaning towards a Galaxy S3. I always wanted the S2, and having a Thunderbolt has made me afraid of HTC phones. I also know the following behind the S3 will be huge, so the dev community should be there to support it. Of course, I'll wait to see what is rootable/unlockable.
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