I just rooted my thunderbolt a few days ago, and now I want to flash a ROM to it, but I'm just a bit confused about how the radio flashing works. My current baseband is, does that mean I'm running MR1, or a previous? I would like MR2, but does flashing that radio give me the 7/8/11 update? Any clarification on this would be very helpful, I'm coming from a Droid X, so kernels and radios are just a little bit foreign to me still =P
Edit: Also, what is Chingy's 2.xx.xxx.x radio? What exactly is the difference between that, MR2, MR2.5, and MR2.75?
Edit: Also, what is Chingy's 2.xx.xxx.x radio? What exactly is the difference between that, MR2, MR2.5, and MR2.75?
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