OK, let's factor out the unlimited data issue for a minute. My real choice for upgrade this summer is between the Droid Razr HD and the Galaxy SIII. We know the SGS3 will be $200 / $250. So what are the odds that the Razr HD will be $300? Given Verizon's history with new Droids, I'm thinking the probability is 100%.
Even though I love my Droid X, and want to stay in the Droid family, I won't be inclined to buy a $300 phone, even a flagship, if there's a $200 one sitting right next to it. I know the Razr's specs are only rumored at this point, but all the rumors point to a smaller screen than the SGS3.
My main criteria for an upgrade is a bigger screen than the DX's 4.3, ICS, and the ability to support the Long Term Evolution of my usage (pardon the pun)--that is, over the next 2 years, I expect new apps to come out, and I want the phone that's best prepared to handle them.
So my question is twofold: Will the Razr HD be $300? ...and if so, will it be worth the price difference over the SGS3?
Even though I love my Droid X, and want to stay in the Droid family, I won't be inclined to buy a $300 phone, even a flagship, if there's a $200 one sitting right next to it. I know the Razr's specs are only rumored at this point, but all the rumors point to a smaller screen than the SGS3.
My main criteria for an upgrade is a bigger screen than the DX's 4.3, ICS, and the ability to support the Long Term Evolution of my usage (pardon the pun)--that is, over the next 2 years, I expect new apps to come out, and I want the phone that's best prepared to handle them.
So my question is twofold: Will the Razr HD be $300? ...and if so, will it be worth the price difference over the SGS3?