New Member
A few days ago I spilled a soda and some of it... not a ton got on my Droid. I pulled the battery as soon as i realized that some got on the phone and wiped it off. I left the battery out for a few hours, but I didn't have the patience to leave it for a few days. It acted really weird when i first turned it back on, like when i pressed the t key it would enter a few random characters and shut off the screen, stuff like that. The water thing in the back that tells technicians if it got wet looked unchanged so I figured I'd bring it into the Verizon store. She said show me what it's doing. I went to show her and the phone worked fine. My question is does a phone getting wet always cause permanent damage or can it sometimes start working fine again once it dries out. I don't know if this is random and it will go back to malfunctioning again or if it's dried out now.