Hey all,
Let me add a little detail to what is coming, that may help you decide.
As some said, iPhone 4 is 3G, and frankly, its a 1Ghz cpu that is comparable to Droid X and Droid 2. Droid 2 Global is a 1.2Ghz cpu. With iPhone 5 coming in June or July, it's unimaginable to me to think of going to an iPhone 4, if I was silly enough to consider an iPhone to begin with. All I can say on the iPhone/iPad front is, they better be releasing dual core, more memory, dual cameras, and a bunch of new sensors or they're going to be left in the dust with the new crop of phones coming to Android.
Now as for Android.. two very big things have happened recently that make me not even think of iPhone. First, as some said, the new Bionic (Atrix on ATT) and a slew of other companys (HTC, Samsung, etc) are all coming out with dual-core dual-camera phones, and tablets. To me, the overall feature set of the Bionic looks to be the best coming out in the next 6 months, and that's right near my update time (I too am an original droid owner). I am also salivating at finally seeing some tablets that look do be better than iPad.. the Xoom specifically looks so impressive.
Now, to me, the even bigger news is Android 2.3. If you don't know the details of 2.3, it should probably be a 3.0 release. It is finally adding all the native support for audio, sensors, inputs, and upgrading the graphics a bit too. FINALLY!! This means that finally, for the most part, Android devices will soon be seeing iPhone quality games and music apps. We've known the phones were coming, they always get better. We didn't know for sure when Google would gives us developers the features we need to provide users the games and music apps they have been clamoring for, for over a year now. It will still take a good six months or longer before you see games and such, especially since it will be at least that long before most of the big gun phones come out which will have 2.3 (some will still come with 2.2 but upgrade soon after). The only phone that I know of right now with 2.3 is the Nexus S.
Even more impressive is that Android 3.0 is close on it's heals. I am not sure what else 3.0 is bringing, but 2.3 is a huge update in my opinion. So for a full release version change, other than the newer GUI that is coming, I am really looking forward to seeing what other big changes are coming for 3.0. I've heard rumors that 2.4 is for phones and 3.0 is for tablets. Hopefully they keep it all the same and just have some way of querying the hardware for what it supports, so if it's a tablet without phone, it just doesnt show the phone dialer and such.
Anyway, for us original moto droid owners, rumor had it that android 2.3 and later would require a 1Ghz cpu, but google squelched those rumors not too long ago.. and they say 2.3 should run faster and better than 2.2. So we should be able to get 2.3 on our phones. The one thing I am not sure of is if each phone/device has to have new drivers written for it to handle the new audio/graphics/sensor/input updates 2.3 adds before we can see it work on our droid. Even so, I would guess 2.3 with all these new additions is a decent bit larger in size, so it may eat away at our precious droid small memory sizes compared to the newer phones that come with 512MB to 1GB ram. I forget, but I think the original droid only has 256MB ram. Thank God many apps can be put on the SD card now.
So.. my opinion, for those of you that can upgrade now, or early upgrade, I'd wait. At least wait until we find out what pricing is going to be like. I'll pay $300 for the Bionic, although I am hoping it's only $200 for the updated price. I'll also pay up to $500 for the XOOM, but hoping it's a bit less than the iPad to give it some real good competition. Until the iPhone 5 specs are due out, I wouldn't even consider it if you're even thinking of going to iPhone 4 now.
The one question I have for anyone that knows.. I hope this is the case.. if you get a phone with the LTE 4G, will it drop back to 3G if not in a 4G area.. or do you get stuck in the horribly slow old speeds? I would hope it goes back to 3G if possible. Oh.. and the other part of that question.. is it going to cost us more per month for 4G or the same $30 unlimited data plan (at least on Verizon)?