Yeah, I can't wait! It is going to be a tough decision as to whether I stick with my Maxx or the Razr M. It looks like the only thing I lose with the M is the battery life (at this time, no problem because always have access to juice), no HDMI (still no problem because I never use it), lousy front facing camera (again, never use it), but the biggy is only 4.5 GB internal storage. Not sure how that will work with the amount of apps I install on my phones. But I really do not think that is a problem because my Maxx has approximately 4GB dedicated to Internal System Storage and I have over 2GB unused. The remaining 8GB internal sdcard storage built into my Maxx I can make up with my own ext sdcard.
I think the tiny little beast will be faster with better memory and processor. Screen size is the same size as my Maxx so losing nothing there. Not sure about the compass... if it really does not have one and does it serve a purpose I really need if I am not even aware of it on my Maxx. I guess only time will tell, what, if anything, I am going to miss about my Maxx.