Weak Wifi signal


Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
I bought a used Droid X a few weeks ago and am finding that I can't connect to Wifi unless I'm very close to the router/WAP. Using Wifi Analyzer in a side-by-side comparison with my Bionic, the Droid X shows a signal strength about 30 dB lower than the Bionic.

Both the Droid X and Bionic are running the latest stock firmware, and are not rooted. Any suggestions?

I seem to have found the problem. After a factory reset accomplished nothing, I took the battery cover off to locate the MicroSD card (I had read a report of applying pressure near the card affected Wifi signal). The signal immediately improved with the cover off, even without intentionally applying any pressure. It turns out that the stock battery cover was being used with the extended battery. This was apparently applying pressure that adversely affected the Wifi signal. Several hours with the proper battery cover and the Wifi signal is a strong as I would expect.