WatchESPN App


Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
I thought I was at the pinnacle of my DX till this came out today for Androids(I think it came out today)

I checked one baseball game and the app was slightly ahead of the live TV.

Only complaint is that its not in HD but sill very watchable especially compared to some sites I tried to watch in the past through the DX.

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yeah I noticed people complaining about that I got the sound every timeI booted it up. Its new I'm sure they working on an update

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I have FiOS TV and internet. Do you have to be on WIFI for the games to work? When I'm on WIFI, I just watched Sportscenter, the video was average and sound was great.

Whenever I tried 3G I got an error, so I don't know if you need to be on your FiOS connection(WIFI) for it too work?
now that you mentioned it I was on wifi last night so I tried it again just now watching Around the Horn without the wifi.

It got distorted but it was working. I then turned off my live wallpaper that slows my phone down then tried again and it worked just as good as the wifi but the voices was out of sync a little.

I have Bright house though

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I tried this and video was real choppy. Had to buffer every few seconds. Sound worked and matched video when it played. Im not in wifi alot so didn't try that. Im sure wifi would be best. My. 02$

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last weekend I had to turn off some games that constantly on using data to get my wireless tether to stop buffering so much while watching netflix, that was going to be my next step but after I turned off my live paper it worked fine for 10 minutes.

Have yet to try an extensive amount of time.

I feel somewhat at ease about my bill which seems to get higher. I watch ESPN 70% of my tv time

It just sucks they put this out now when basketball is almost over

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