

Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hello gang,
What is the best way to save wallpaper pics so they are clear when using them on the Droid.

I recently visited the gallerys, (right clicked and saved as) the photos I liked. I then transfered them onto my Droid.

Unfortunately, all were blurry and distorted when assigning them to wallpaper. I’m sure I must not be doing something exactly correct.
I assume you are talking about our own gallerys on this site? If so, you should only need to enlarge the ones you like (click to open them in the gallery forum) and the right click to save to your Driod or your pc. This is all I do and they come out very clear.

I should add that when you long press on the home screen, select wallpapers, then choose pictures (or whatever) it should open the image and show a box there. You need to click on the sides of that box and expand it to full size. This will show how much of the image you want as a wallpaper. If you dont expand it, I would guess that it will use a small piece of the image and just stretch it out to fit. This may be what you are getting.
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Ah....makes sense. I was not expanding the pics. Thanks for the info!