I have a question about this app that is pre-installed. My son likes to play with my phone and must of opened the app, so I was charged a fee and a fee for the next month in advance and I have noticed that it is on my running services from time to time. I opened the app to try and see if I can cancel it's service and keep the fees from coming, but it asked for an update and I haven't proceeded further.
Will I continue to get charged for this app? I already tried calling customer service and the lady was really dumb - trying to get me to open the app and see if I could cancel it/open running services and see if it's there etc... She was no help and I hung up on her dumbass.
Will I continue to get charged for this app? I already tried calling customer service and the lady was really dumb - trying to get me to open the app and see if I could cancel it/open running services and see if it's there etc... She was no help and I hung up on her dumbass.