viewing picture send via MMS - why is it a "slideshow"??


Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
new york, ny
sometimes when i receive a MMS message, it comes in as a "slideshow" in which i need to hit "play" to watch it for a duration of 20 seconds and the picture is always in the middle around 10 seconds.

is this a setting that i need to disable?

the picture should just show up instead of me watching it on the "slideshow" which is just a waste of time.

please let me know if you have experienced this as well and how you corrected it.

This happens on a Verizon phone when the text is sent from an iPhone. It is normal and there is nothing wrong with your phone, just the difference in the way Verizon and Apple handle SMS.
thanks for the reply back.

i know that i can use another messaging app like textra and that would eliminate the issue.
This happens on a Verizon phone when the text is sent from an iPhone. It is normal and there is nothing wrong with your phone, just the difference in the way Verizon and Apple handle SMS.

Interesting. I didn't know it was just a Verizon thing. Hate that...
Interesting. I didn't know it was just a Verizon thing. Hate that...
I am not 100% sure that it is Verizon only, but I do know that every pic text I have received from my brother & sisters with iPhone come through the same way. I read about it on another forum a while back. I'll see if I can find that site.
I get pics from my wife just fine. She has an iPhone 6 on VZW. But a friend's iPhone sends me these all the time. I thought it had to do with sending multiple pics from an iPhone. Like if an iPhone sends 3 pics to an Android, this happens.
I get pics from my wife just fine. She has an iPhone 6 on VZW. But a friend's iPhone sends me these all the time. I thought it had to do with sending multiple pics from an iPhone. Like if an iPhone sends 3 pics to an Android, this happens.

I can't find the forum post I read before, but i did just find something interesting online. It appears this is not just a Verizon thing, it's all Android phones. And apparently the pics come through normal if sent by themselves. But if there is a pic and text included, that's when they appear as a slideshow. I just looked through my texts from my brother (iPhone 5) and the ones with words and a pic are "slideshow" style and the texts with a pic only display normally. I can see the same thing in texts from my sister...there is a difference if the text has a pic only, or words and a pic. Never noticed the difference before. I guess it has something to do with how Android handles iPhone pic & word texts together, or multiple pics at once?
That's what I thought, that it was all Android, not just VZW.
My wife sends me pics, with text, and this doesn't happen though.
Dumb old iphones. My son has to have an iphone for work...just the way they have their server set up and him viewing and responding to business e-mails. Just another example of Apple controlling everything they way they want it. Down with "the man"!
Come to think of it this has not happened on my Turbo....yet.