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Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
Livermore, CA
Sorry if this has been asked already. I just got my nexus a couple days ago and tonight I finally got it to work with my pc. In MTP when I open the nexus on the pc to view folders I can see the folders but when I click on them they are all empty. How can I see the contents? I am coming from the OG droid and never used a nexus before so I am learning. This whole no memory card thing is a bit Thanks for any help =)
Sorry if this has been asked already. I just got my nexus a couple days ago and tonight I finally got it to work with my pc. In MTP when I open the nexus on the pc to view folders I can see the folders but when I click on them they are all empty. How can I see the contents? I am coming from the OG droid and never used a nexus before so I am learning. This whole no memory card thing is a bit Thanks for any help =)

Are they all empty? It is normal for some of them to be empty as the OS and some apps will create folders on your sdcard that may be empty. As you use the apps and or OS functions data will be placed in them.

Good luck
Yes all folders are empty. I clicked on all of them but nothing.

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I never set up any encryption or anything like that when I got the phone. Wasn't sure what that did so I didn't touch it. I will give those drivers a try and let you know.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Like BayouFlyFisher said, most of the folders will be empty. If you've taken some pictures already, you could look in the DCIM/Camera folder & see if any show up. A lot of mine were empty when I 1st got it, some still are.
Finally got it working. Looked around in the web and saw someone say that doing a windows update fixed it. I checked the PC and ran the update and all is well. Can see my folders and contents now. Thanks for the help =)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Finally got it working. Looked around in the web and saw someone say that doing a windows update fixed it. I checked the PC and ran the update and all is well. Can see my folders and contents now. Thanks for the help =)

Do you remember what the update was that you applied? (windows 7?) I am having a similar problem and I'm looking for ANY solutions I can find.
It was an update for xp. It was service pack 3 but there were like 7 different things. I have read several places that upgrading your windows media player to #11 fixed it for most. The mtp is somehow connected to the media player. Also when I ran the update there was a list of all updates available and there was a catagory for other and I clicked it and there was one for Samsung. It was something like.....Samsung Ltd. Can't remember exactly. I would try upgrading windows media player and if that doesn't work try running windows update.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Thanks, I'll have to give that a shot. I've had this problem for almost a month. It's been driving me crazy, I've tried EVERYTHING. Hopefully this will work. Thanks again.
Hope it works for you. I've only had my nexus for a few days but that drove me nuts too, couldn't imagine having that problem for a month...I woulda ripped my hair Good luck! =)

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