Video Output Functionality?


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
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I've searched several Droid forums for this answer, and it's been eerily quiet. I've happily left AT&T's network and am digging my DROID. The stereo in my truck is a Pioneer AVIC, and I had the iPhone multimedia cable, with Video In... I could watch movies/video podcasts on my screen while "parked".

Does Android (in general), or the DROID have dual-screen or Video Out capabilities? It seems so esoteric, but when you've had it and gotten used to it, you really miss it!
I'm curious about this myself. I suspect that because the specs are silent on this issue that it does not support video out.
the only way to do this would be through the usb port - this would require writing and installing a driver onto the device (need root access) and making a special connector (physical manufacturing)... so while not physically impossible, i wouldn't hold my breath!

p.s. bluetooth might technically also be an option, actually... but i wouldn't watch video on that :)