Just a little update......
Got the replacement phone today, I haven't even activated it yet. Before I got excited, I figured I should call tech support and ask their opinion on my situation being completely up front. I explained that I downloaded and installed the 5.5.893 update previous to it's release and that I was hesitant to return my original phone because of it for fear of being charged full price. I'll start by saying yes, it was V tech support, but she was direct in her answer of "it's not a problem in any way" and understood why I was calling. She said the first thing they do is a full wipe/reload back to stock no matter what. I'll take her at her word lol.
I'm hoping that Verizon realizes that many of us have put up with less than stellar performance from a brand new, top of the line (at the time and really, still today) phone and is being understandable about the situation.
That being said, are phones that come stock 5.5.893 able to be rooted? I could live without it being rooted if it worked 100%, but would still rather have root for a few things like MyBackupPro and such. Any ideas? I figure tonight I undo foreverroot and return it to stock minus the kernal/radio after a full backup and send it back tomorrow...... now if only this is one of the phones that is working correctly!