I know when Verizon first implemented their version of throttling, they stated it was not a full-time throttle and that it only applied to their 3G band and those people on 4G plans would remain unaffected. My question is does anyone notice if they are applying this policy to their 4G band currently? I have not seen this specific question answered anyplace. I am still on an unlimited plan under contract and routinely use 30+ GB of data per month. I stream a lot of Netflix and IHeartRadio and burn up the data. My problem is routinely lately, I seem to be getting faster speeds off from the 3G band than 4G. A speedtest I just ran was giving me 300 Kb speeds with 3G and 100 with 4G. And I ran this test several times over and confirmed this is my current average. This is absolutely ridiculous slow compared to what it should be. I find myself using an app now to just turn 4G off instead of wasting my time with it. Is it just me or do others have similar issues? I use a Droid Bionic stock and have root enabled. No other mods.