USB Tether stops after a few minutes-


New Member
May 15, 2010
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I'm running Froyo Kangerade V1.0 using the usb tether feature (normally use easytether pro that I bought) and after like 10 minutes it just loses connection for no reason even though my phone still has full bars. I have to put my leg behind my head to get it working again for both easytether and the built in version. Most of the time I turn off tethering and unplug it and try again. Making it very difficult to webchat with the wife and to download any torrents. Tried searching and have not found any useful info. USAF ain't givin me no internet lol so what do you guys think?
Torrent Problem

I use PDAnet to tether. As soon as I start using Bitcomet on my laptop the connection stops without warning. This is the only time it happens. So what is it about downloading torrents from BitComet that makes PDANet stop working?
One thing I noticed is that multiple connection threads often kill the tether. I use my phone for a proxy and as long as I limit my browser(Firefox) to one or two threads, it will run all day without issue.

Most browsers and especially torrents will open a ton of connections. Might look into limiting those to trade stability for a little bit of speed.