I have both a Bionic and Thunderbolt. Both are curently on wifi because I had issues with sim card and have to wait for new one. I am in Wisconsin 40 miles from nearest store so I had them ship me one. Anyway had them right next to one another the Bionic beat the Thunderbolt every time hitting different apps together not by much but every time. Quadrant Bionic was 2100 TB was 1500 doesnt seem right that it should be that much but it was. Xtremlab Speed both were pretty close at 850.00 download remember Im on wifi only running off a network extender in an extended service area. Upload different story TB was at 2000.00 Bionic was 5000.00. The TB is rooted BAMF2.4 stock kernel Bionic is stock cause I may have to bring to activate because of my location. The Bionic seemed and was just a bit snappier. Oh and they were both on LP so they were exactly even. So all in all there was a difference between the two. But howmuch could you expect. Ill post again when I get service and let you know difference on 3G and 4G.