Unable To Update Droid X to Froyo 2.2


Mar 21, 2010
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where 2.2

just rooted with one click root and it worked but i downloaded rom manager like i did on my droid and no clockwork mod. where do i get 2.2
You get it from the official update from Motorola. There is no 2.2 for the Droid X yet through mods. I wouldn't even suggest it or you might brick your phone. That part hasn't been hacked through yet.
Hi, I am new to the Droid way of life...Have had a blackberry for over 10 years and recently move to the Droid X.

I have ben trying for the past few days to update my Droix X 2.1 Update 1 to Froyo 2.2 but I cannot install the update.zip from the sd card. Everytime it just tells me that the Signature cannot be verified and then it aborts.

Please help!!!
Sorry Dude, No can do. I spent the weekend trying the same thing. It has to do with the fact that noone has hacked the bootldr yet.

Look for my post and the help that I received from others about this from Sunday.

Thread relocated to correct area…..Please try to post in the proper forum. Thank you. :)
I maybe wrong but I believe the bootloader is still locked down on the X and in order to flash a custom rom (froyo 2.2) you have to be able to access the bootloader. I have heard rumors (and they are only that .....RUMORS) that the OTA 2.2 will be pushed soon. I am going to forward your post to another Rescue Squad member to make sure I am correct and if not they can give you better assistance.
I think someone got their messages crossed here. The Droid 1 just received Froyo, not the Droid X. If you somehow got that update.zip to install, you'd likely brick your phone.
The last 2 posts are correct. The droidx can not flash roms. Elkay also has sound advice. sprecovery is not going to work on the droidx at this time. Neither will clockwork.
Wait.... so The ROM Managers for the droid X at this point are useless?
So without custom bootloaders.... my rooted droid X is no different than a non-rooted X... other than the ability to use SetCPU and other minor tweak apps? That cost money?
You have a Lamborghini with no engine right now. The hackers are trying to find X users their proverbial engine.