This rom was made with source from the Google AOSP, with many features and enhancements added by me and from all over the android community. Made for overall performance FIRST and features and enhancements second. enjoy
**If coming from ANY other Incredible rom, make sure to boot into recovery mode and do a factory reset to wipe data and cache, and also do a wipe of dalvik-cache**
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 8.0 For Droid Incredible!! Ftp Download from DF - Thanks guys!
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 8.0.0: (writing up full changelog now)
- FRF22D
- Fully Zipaligned
- Fully Optnged
- Zipalign - On Install (cyanogenmod)
- Pre - Themed (Themed facebook, twitter, and pandora available from the UD Settings Menu under built-in applications)
Modified Apps:
WyContacts 1.2 - Wysie
Cytown Phone AppV.30.1 - cytown
MMS enhancements from Ruqqq, Takuo Kitame, jeagoss, temporalshadows
Customized Deskclock w/special settings - cyanogen, Michael Webster
Modified Browser (fullscreen browsing and "incognito" mode- Optedoblivion
- First and only rom with Rotary Lockscreen on froyo (blackdroid)
- Added Vibrate to silent back to the volume controls (pulled since froyo)
- Added Vibration Mode back to the stock locksreen (pulled since froyo)
- Music Controls on Lockscreen: Stock and Rotary - (alankila/kmobs - cyanogenmod)
- Customizable lockscreens: (make lockscreen part invisible, remove certain elements, and add custom messages) - Wysie
- User Interface Tweaks: (change the colors of many elements of text throught the rom to suit your personality) - Wysie
- Long Press volume to swtich songs (when screen is dim - Jon Boekenoogen)
- Camera Button to pause song (cvpcs)
UD Settings Includes: NO NEED FOR SCRIPTS - Full Graphical User Interface (Ultimate Droid Settings -> Settings)
Quick Commands: Many commands that give you more contol over your system, free up your phones memory, fix small issues on the fly, and enable and disable certain sounds, ads, and the bootanitmation (blackdroid)
Backup/Restore: Backup and restore all of your apps in data and all of your installed ultimate droid extras (themed apps, boot animations, and fonts - blackdroid)
Built-In Applications: Gives you the ability to remove and reinstall most apps in the system with the need of any custom scripts (also houses themed apps - blackdroid)
Modified Apps: Give you the ability to switch out between the motified and stock versions of certain apps (blackdroid)
Custom Launchers: UD Custom 3D Froyo Launcher 2 (7 screens, double tap for previes, fullscreen and hide icon titles), Stock 2D Froyo Launcher, ADWLauncher, and LauncherPro (blackdroid)
UD Extras: The ability to switch out fonts, bootanimations, Live Wallpapers, and Lockscreens (WITH PICTURE MENU - blackdroid)
Applications Settings: Allows you to set the default install location of your app and install all apps on your sdcard (cyanogenmod)
DSP Settings: The ability to modify device audio for headset, speaker, and bluetooth (alankila/kmobs - cyanogenmod)
Input Settings: Haptic feedback tweaks, long-press home settings, lockscreen music control settings, and lockscreen unlock settings - (Michael Webster, Jon Boekenoogen/Kmobs)
User Interface: Tweak LED notification settings, Automatic backlight settings, set rotation settings, change color or various text (status bar, date and provide, and notifications), and screen time out settings (wysie, bcrook, jeagoss, Pedlar)
Transistions and Animations: Change speed of transitions and animations (blackdroid)
Mod Version: Shows version of rom (blackdroid)
Device Info: Shows battery info and amount of memory left in system, data, cache, and your sdcard (blackdroid)
Mod Chagelog: Shows changelog of rom (blackdroid)
- Choice of 4 different launchers: (blackdroid)
Customized 3D Froyo Launcher 2 (7 screens, double taps for preveiws, full screen, hide icon tiles on desktop auto rotate)
Stock 2D Froyo Launcher
Launcher Pro
Extra apps: (Downloads and installs from build-in apps -> UD Settings)
Amazon MP3
Astro - File Manager
Native Instant Messaging App (Pete)
Quick Office (The newest version from the Droid 2 - blackdroid)
Sound Record (Pete)
Wireless Tethering
Busybox - cyanogenmod
Bash - cvpcs
Nano - cvpcs
Dropbear - cyanogen
fix permissions
flash image
erase image
koush's kernel installed in order to have a working camera (not tested with other kernels yet)
Feature Screenshots:
New Overhauld Music Player Screenshots: (Now Playing Screen and Widgets in both Portrait and Landscape)
If you like UD and BlackDroids, Donations are appreciated :blackdroid:
**If coming from ANY other Incredible rom, make sure to boot into recovery mode and do a factory reset to wipe data and cache, and also do a wipe of dalvik-cache**
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 8.0 For Droid Incredible!! Ftp Download from DF - Thanks guys!
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 8.0.0: (writing up full changelog now)
- FRF22D
- Fully Zipaligned
- Fully Optnged
- Zipalign - On Install (cyanogenmod)
- Pre - Themed (Themed facebook, twitter, and pandora available from the UD Settings Menu under built-in applications)
Modified Apps:
WyContacts 1.2 - Wysie
Cytown Phone AppV.30.1 - cytown
MMS enhancements from Ruqqq, Takuo Kitame, jeagoss, temporalshadows
Customized Deskclock w/special settings - cyanogen, Michael Webster
Modified Browser (fullscreen browsing and "incognito" mode- Optedoblivion
- First and only rom with Rotary Lockscreen on froyo (blackdroid)
- Added Vibrate to silent back to the volume controls (pulled since froyo)
- Added Vibration Mode back to the stock locksreen (pulled since froyo)
- Music Controls on Lockscreen: Stock and Rotary - (alankila/kmobs - cyanogenmod)
- Customizable lockscreens: (make lockscreen part invisible, remove certain elements, and add custom messages) - Wysie
- User Interface Tweaks: (change the colors of many elements of text throught the rom to suit your personality) - Wysie
- Long Press volume to swtich songs (when screen is dim - Jon Boekenoogen)
- Camera Button to pause song (cvpcs)
UD Settings Includes: NO NEED FOR SCRIPTS - Full Graphical User Interface (Ultimate Droid Settings -> Settings)
Quick Commands: Many commands that give you more contol over your system, free up your phones memory, fix small issues on the fly, and enable and disable certain sounds, ads, and the bootanitmation (blackdroid)
Backup/Restore: Backup and restore all of your apps in data and all of your installed ultimate droid extras (themed apps, boot animations, and fonts - blackdroid)
Built-In Applications: Gives you the ability to remove and reinstall most apps in the system with the need of any custom scripts (also houses themed apps - blackdroid)
Modified Apps: Give you the ability to switch out between the motified and stock versions of certain apps (blackdroid)
Custom Launchers: UD Custom 3D Froyo Launcher 2 (7 screens, double tap for previes, fullscreen and hide icon titles), Stock 2D Froyo Launcher, ADWLauncher, and LauncherPro (blackdroid)
UD Extras: The ability to switch out fonts, bootanimations, Live Wallpapers, and Lockscreens (WITH PICTURE MENU - blackdroid)
Applications Settings: Allows you to set the default install location of your app and install all apps on your sdcard (cyanogenmod)
DSP Settings: The ability to modify device audio for headset, speaker, and bluetooth (alankila/kmobs - cyanogenmod)
Input Settings: Haptic feedback tweaks, long-press home settings, lockscreen music control settings, and lockscreen unlock settings - (Michael Webster, Jon Boekenoogen/Kmobs)
User Interface: Tweak LED notification settings, Automatic backlight settings, set rotation settings, change color or various text (status bar, date and provide, and notifications), and screen time out settings (wysie, bcrook, jeagoss, Pedlar)
Transistions and Animations: Change speed of transitions and animations (blackdroid)
Mod Version: Shows version of rom (blackdroid)
Device Info: Shows battery info and amount of memory left in system, data, cache, and your sdcard (blackdroid)
Mod Chagelog: Shows changelog of rom (blackdroid)
- Choice of 4 different launchers: (blackdroid)
Customized 3D Froyo Launcher 2 (7 screens, double taps for preveiws, full screen, hide icon tiles on desktop auto rotate)
Stock 2D Froyo Launcher
Launcher Pro
Extra apps: (Downloads and installs from build-in apps -> UD Settings)
Amazon MP3
Astro - File Manager
Native Instant Messaging App (Pete)
Quick Office (The newest version from the Droid 2 - blackdroid)
Sound Record (Pete)
Wireless Tethering
Busybox - cyanogenmod
Bash - cvpcs
Nano - cvpcs
Dropbear - cyanogen
fix permissions
flash image
erase image
koush's kernel installed in order to have a working camera (not tested with other kernels yet)
Feature Screenshots:
New Overhauld Music Player Screenshots: (Now Playing Screen and Widgets in both Portrait and Landscape)
If you like UD and BlackDroids, Donations are appreciated :blackdroid:
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