At a press event held in London last week, Canonical's Alan Pope said an installable image of Ubuntu for the Galaxy Nexus handset, along with its source code, will be released "late February." Demoed on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus handset, the operating system wasn’t complete, but early hands-on reports were very positive. So why the delay? According to Canonical’s Richard Collins, the delay is to allow them time to “maximize all the attention we want to gain with it.“ In other words, they want to impress the masses right out of the gate. Before we get ahead of ourselves though, we must add that the image will not be feature complete. The core features of the phone; messaging, calling, camera, etc, are up and running quite well, buts the key parts of the Ubuntu Phone experience (voice controlled HUD, app store) don’t even exist yet, or are far from complete (webkit-based web browser.)
Galaxy Nexus owners, are you going to be taking the Ubuntu OS plunge?
Via: OmgUbuntu