Typical Battery Life Complaint


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
I've been using the iPhone 4 the past year, excellent battery life. Can go several days with minimal use. (the first iPhone I had was a quicker drain) then I bought the Thunderbolt, very fast drain, tried EVERYTHING except rooting.
Everything implies:
Background data off, 4g toggle, stop running apps, task managers/not task managers, battery monitors/not battery monitors, brightness, yada.... No matter what, the battery drained even without use. SOMETHING was running this thing down, even on standby.

Same with Maxx, let it sit still it will drop a percentage point or 2 every hour. Do the math....thats 60 hours standby, not 380 like expected/claimed.

My brother has the regular Razr, and he can go a night with it on and it barely moves percentage wise, I have 2x the battery and it drains just like my Thunderbolt did.
I just did the 173 update last night. I did NOT do a factory reset, which I'm not inclined on having hopes for anyway.

VERY close to returning it.
Whats the bottom line here? Do only 30% of Razr's released have decent batteries? 50, 70% are some of us just getting bad ones?
Or is a process running thats not indicated?
I've been using the iPhone 4 the past year, excellent battery life. Can go several days with minimal use. (the first iPhone I had was a quicker drain) then I bought the Thunderbolt, very fast drain, tried EVERYTHING except rooting.
Everything implies:
Background data off, 4g toggle, stop running apps, task managers/not task managers, battery monitors/not battery monitors, brightness, yada.... No matter what, the battery drained even without use. SOMETHING was running this thing down, even on standby.

Same with Maxx, let it sit still it will drop a percentage point or 2 every hour. Do the math....thats 60 hours standby, not 380 like expected/claimed.

My brother has the regular Razr, and he can go a night with it on and it barely moves percentage wise, I have 2x the battery and it drains just like my Thunderbolt did.
I just did the 173 update last night. I did NOT do a factory reset, which I'm not inclined on having hopes for anyway.

VERY close to returning it.
Whats the bottom line here? Do only 30% of Razr's released have decent batteries? 50, 70% are some of us just getting bad ones?
Or is a process running thats not indicated?

iPhone 4. Ick!

j/k - hi brodah

I would try the factory reset and do as I suggested earlier. Try stock with zero apps. If after 1 or 2 battery cycles (fully charged to drained) and it still has issues, something else is going on. If it holds its own, then add an app a battery cycle to see where the problem may lie.

Read this thread, too: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-razr-maxx/198485-my-razr-maxx-has-horrible-battery-life-whats-going.html


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Check ya battery history and see what's draining your battery. And as you mentioned, do a factory reset if that dosent help ? I Also never get past 24 hours too! Because I use the heck out of it! I do believed the standby hours, but that's with using smart action! Ill barly lose a % increments in a 8-10 hour time frame, maybe it will last even longer, because when I'm up, i can't let her back down! But stand by with smart action last me forever! I just leave everything on, and have SA turns it off for me at idle.
Bada$$ battery monitor in the market will give you a very detailed breakdown of what is killing you battery. If I can make it almost 48 hours on my OG Razr then there should be no reason why you are not blowing that out of the water with your double sized battery.
Yea, some major issues here.
Everything was ok until last night. Unplugged at 7am... ran the day without charging (light use)
Went to bed at Midnight power was at 61
iPhone was at 88

Woke up 8 hours later. Maxx was at 22
iPhone was at 86

Checked running apps and everything. something wrong.
Ill try a battery monitor...
but overnight it increased dramatically in battery drain.
Bada$$ battery monitor in the market will give you a very detailed breakdown of what is killing you battery. If I can make it almost 48 hours on my OG Razr then there should be no reason why you are not blowing that out of the water with your double sized battery.

Downloading now, thanks.

It was like a car that was getting decent mileage in the city
then when I parked it and kept running it lost half the tank.
Yeah if I leave my phone unplugged at night it will lose maybe 2% on battery life, usually it is none. You definitely have something that is draining your battery and that battery monitor should help with that. You are going to want to see the "app sucker" option after your phone runs for awhile with that program running.
Yea, some major issues here.
Everything was ok until last night. Unplugged at 7am... ran the day without charging (light use)
Went to bed at Midnight power was at 61
iPhone was at 88

Woke up 8 hours later. Maxx was at 22
iPhone was at 86

Checked running apps and everything. something wrong.
Ill try a battery monitor...
but overnight it increased dramatically in battery drain.

Bad example. The iPhones are better at battery life and they are 3G devices. It's like comparing a Macbook Pro to a Dell laptop. The Dell won't hold a candle to the Macbook.

There's a Smart Action that should fix your problem of loss over night, but why are you not plugging it in over night? It's actually better on the battery if you do not allow it to drain completely.

I had an iPhone for 2 months. I loved the phone. It's truly a work of art, but I hated iOS. It's like Big Brother is only letting me do what he wants me to do on my phone. The entire time I had the phone I felt like I was trapped. I actually started using my phone less which meant the battery lasted even longer.
Definitely with you on the Big Brother part, transferring music from iPhone to my work computer, or trying to rather, is what made go shopping that day for new android phone. Still will probably keep iPhone for switching around phones, its a great phone. Apple does what it says its going to do. But the past 2 new android phones I got were either software bugged or battery drains, I didn't expect that from the Maxx. With them not having them shipped to stores but ORDER ONLY its even more difficult to try a new one, I may just return this, i'll try it one more time today after I did the factory reset but its probably a bad unit.
I charged my maxx to about 80% last night, and went to sleep with it unplugged. I woke up and it was at 30%...i had 2 alarms go off, but i highly doubt thats what drained my battery. So i looked in the battery info in the setting and noticed that my "android OS" had drained 50% of the battery life. It only had like 12kb sent and 100 recieved, but the duration was 7h20min. No idea exactly what caused the drain, but it sucked.

BTW, my maxx is still so freakin awesome
Apps running are 40% of the power use. Heres a snapshot.

The 2nd and 4th pic are AFTER a factory reset, with only 30 min on battery.

1st and 3rd are after a full days use.