TWRP Released For The Moto E 2015


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Oct 6, 2011
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The the flashing and roming begin. Team Win Recovery Project has been released for the latest Motorola device. The Moto E is pretty easily rootable and now it will be easy to mod with this custom recovery. This recovery was released by "cybojenix". This is not an official build, but pretty much everything here is verified working including display, touch, mounting everything including sd-ext, adb, charging, temp, and rooting. Other things like flashing, formatting, backup, mounting otg, formatting data to ext4 are all untested and should be used with caution (you should probably wait to use these options until they are tested and known to be working). This is far from finished but is a good start. If you are a flashaholic like me you should grab this recovery from the link below.

via XDA
All kinds of good things happening with the Moto E. Happy to see that root and custom recoveries are now available.