TWRP Is Now Official On The Verizon HTC One M8!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Surprisingly enough Verizon actually had the exclusive on the HTC One M8. Most other carriers have only had the phone available in brick and mortar stores for the past several days. That being said Verizon was one of the last variants to receive official TWRP. That is not to say that this device has not had TWRP. There were several developers that did port Team Win Recovery Project to the Vzw Htc One m8 pretty quickly after S-Off was released. Clock Work Mod Recovery was actually released prior to S-Off being achieved. There were a few bugs with each of the TWRP unofficial recoveries. One was even removed from XDA because some people were reporting bricked devices after using it.

Today Team Win Recovery Project released their official Recovery for our devices. This means we now have a fully functional touch recovery for all of our flashing needs. There are several mods in the making. There are is a stock rooted Rom and a GPE rom in the works as well. There have been reports of more than 10 well known developers having this device and working on Roms for it. There should be a flood of custom Roms for this device very soon! Head to the link below for the download.

via TWRP