This is what I should do?
Nope. Follow these directions:
1)Download from this location.
2)Open Astro and navigate to the download folder on your SD card. (Not downloads -- if you see an s on the end you’re looking at the wrong folder.)
3)Locate and long-press it. Select edit. Select move. Back out one step to the root of your SD card -- NOT A FOLDER NAMED ROOT -- and press the menu softkey. Select edit. Select paste.
4)Locate and long-press it. Select edit. Select rename. Rename Press OK.
5)Open ROM Manager. Scroll to the bottom. Flash alternate recovery.
6)As soon as it's done, pull the battery.
7)Reinsert the battery, slide out the keyboard, press and hold X. Do not let go of that X till you’ve booted into recovery.
8)Power the phone up. Do not let go of that X till you’ve booted into recovery.
8.5)If the phone shows a triangle with a large ! in it then it’s stock recovery and you should attempt the steps 5-8 again. At this point you just need to flash recovery a few more times in ROM Manager before you can move on to step 11. ROM Manager doesn't always flash recovery correctly.
9)Using the d-pad, scroll down to the install options. Remember the screen is now in portrait mode, so right is down. Select it with the center of the d-pad.
10)Scroll to and then select “allow installation”.
11)Move down to and select “install (deprecated).
12)Press the Del key or the power button to back out.
13)Boot normally to verify that all is well.