I have been running just the regular 'ole leaked, rooted 2.2 for what seems like awhile now. I have been hesitant to install any themes due to not having the energy to go through the whole deodexing procedure. Low and behond, last night I decided to get 'er done and over with.
I went straight to the Tranquility ROM because I noticed a few BIG ADVANTAGES:
1. Will Deodex your phone for you automatically!
2. You don't need to wipe data/cache!!!
As far as I know, the FlyX ROM by Birdman still requires the user to wipe data/cache... This is such a downer because:
1. You have to reinstall all the apps again via Titanium Backup or equivalent. 2. You have to type in your google username and password all over again at first startup of phone after ROM installation
3. I use K9Mail with about 9 username and passwords for leisure and business purposes, and it is a pain in my behind to set all accounts up over again
So, the point of this thread is to let everyone know that you don't need to wipe your data/cache or deodex your phone before installing the Tranquility ROM!!!
I don't know of any other ROM where these advantages are present other than p3Droid's Tranquility ROM. If someone knows, please inform me and everyone else here.
I installed the Deodex 2.2 version of Droid928 black glass theme right after installing p3Droid's Tranquility ROM last night! They both work PHENOMENAL together, and I haven't had any problems whatsoever with anything!
If you want the best real-world phone performance with the best looking theme AT THIS TIME, you want to install Tranquility and Droid928 black glass!
ENJOY! :icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
I went straight to the Tranquility ROM because I noticed a few BIG ADVANTAGES:
1. Will Deodex your phone for you automatically!
2. You don't need to wipe data/cache!!!
As far as I know, the FlyX ROM by Birdman still requires the user to wipe data/cache... This is such a downer because:
1. You have to reinstall all the apps again via Titanium Backup or equivalent. 2. You have to type in your google username and password all over again at first startup of phone after ROM installation
3. I use K9Mail with about 9 username and passwords for leisure and business purposes, and it is a pain in my behind to set all accounts up over again
So, the point of this thread is to let everyone know that you don't need to wipe your data/cache or deodex your phone before installing the Tranquility ROM!!!
I don't know of any other ROM where these advantages are present other than p3Droid's Tranquility ROM. If someone knows, please inform me and everyone else here.
I installed the Deodex 2.2 version of Droid928 black glass theme right after installing p3Droid's Tranquility ROM last night! They both work PHENOMENAL together, and I haven't had any problems whatsoever with anything!
If you want the best real-world phone performance with the best looking theme AT THIS TIME, you want to install Tranquility and Droid928 black glass!
ENJOY! :icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid