My droid-x recently randomly bricked itself and I'm struggling with the debate to root or keep stock the new phone. I originally rooted to get wi-fi tethering which is no longer supported in gingerbread and not really necessary now that you can enable and disable the $20 feature right on your phone (I don't use it often). Here's my question.
Does bloatware really run down the battery? This seems to be the main reason for rooting.
Is there any other reason I'm missing (other than overclock which worked for me but was always a bit spotty).
If I do root, I've gathered that z4root on strock froyo, then loading pre-rooted gingerbread seems the way to go vs OTA to gingerbread and using gingerbreak. I'm curious if I'm wrong on that one as well.
Does bloatware really run down the battery? This seems to be the main reason for rooting.
Is there any other reason I'm missing (other than overclock which worked for me but was always a bit spotty).
If I do root, I've gathered that z4root on strock froyo, then loading pre-rooted gingerbread seems the way to go vs OTA to gingerbread and using gingerbreak. I'm curious if I'm wrong on that one as well.