I've discovered after a few days of searching and a bunch of meds to kill my headache, that there is a manual way to root this device easily even when one clicks don't work. This was the case with my Spectrum, which I lost root with after the update. I will go through to steps to inform you on how this is performed, if I can do it anyone else can. First of all, you want to have an su file along with Superuser.apk, busybox, your exploits, I took mine out of a one click program to manually use. Also make sure you have the obvious tools such as SDK and the correct drivers for your operating system.
After installing all needed files:
1. Run command prompt as an administrator
2. Once command prompt is open, you want to change your directory to the location of adb. I put the files on my desktop so my directory would look like this:C:\users\josh\desktop\tools (just replace it with your own correct directory)
3. Once in the proper directory, start by running command outside of shell.
-adb devices
-adb push (your exploit) /data/local/tmp
-adb shell (this is when you will be running your exploit through adb) after entering this your directory should change completely to something like shell@android:/ $
4. In shell
-$ cd /data/local/tmp
-$ chmod 777 (your exploit that you pushed)
-$ ./(exploit name here)
5. restart the server, kind of a refresh after doing the above.
-adb kill-server (stops the server)
-adb devices
6. Now to start the shell back up and finish rooting
-adb shell
Once the shell is open, if you have proper root access, the "$" should be replaced with "#", and if it isn't repeat the steps above until success, I had to repeat it 2 or 3 times. If it is, continue following these steps.
7. Making the root stay
-# mount -o remount,rw -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system (this changes the system from a read-only to a read-write)
-# exit (says it all...)
-adb push busybox /system/bin
-adb push su /system/bin
-adb install Superuser.apk
-adb shell
-# chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
-# chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
-# mount -o remount,ro -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system (returns the system to a read-only format)
-# exit
-adb reboot
After your phone reboots, if superuser is installed, congratulations, you just rooted without having to rely 100% on a one-click method, and you've learned things in the process. Like I said, I just learned this today a friend gave me the ideas and helped me through it, I thought I'd share it on here for anyone who was like me and the one-click methods wouldn't work. If you have the right exploit for any version of Android OS and use this to root it, it should work. This is the first guide/info post I've ever made in my life, so don't hate too much on how crappy it is lol. Hope this helps someone.
After installing all needed files:
1. Run command prompt as an administrator
2. Once command prompt is open, you want to change your directory to the location of adb. I put the files on my desktop so my directory would look like this:C:\users\josh\desktop\tools (just replace it with your own correct directory)
3. Once in the proper directory, start by running command outside of shell.
-adb devices
-adb push (your exploit) /data/local/tmp
-adb shell (this is when you will be running your exploit through adb) after entering this your directory should change completely to something like shell@android:/ $
4. In shell
-$ cd /data/local/tmp
-$ chmod 777 (your exploit that you pushed)
-$ ./(exploit name here)
5. restart the server, kind of a refresh after doing the above.
-adb kill-server (stops the server)
-adb devices
6. Now to start the shell back up and finish rooting
-adb shell
Once the shell is open, if you have proper root access, the "$" should be replaced with "#", and if it isn't repeat the steps above until success, I had to repeat it 2 or 3 times. If it is, continue following these steps.
7. Making the root stay
-# mount -o remount,rw -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system (this changes the system from a read-only to a read-write)
-# exit (says it all...)
-adb push busybox /system/bin
-adb push su /system/bin
-adb install Superuser.apk
-adb shell
-# chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
-# chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
-# mount -o remount,ro -t rfs /dev/block/st19 /system (returns the system to a read-only format)
-# exit
-adb reboot
After your phone reboots, if superuser is installed, congratulations, you just rooted without having to rely 100% on a one-click method, and you've learned things in the process. Like I said, I just learned this today a friend gave me the ideas and helped me through it, I thought I'd share it on here for anyone who was like me and the one-click methods wouldn't work. If you have the right exploit for any version of Android OS and use this to root it, it should work. This is the first guide/info post I've ever made in my life, so don't hate too much on how crappy it is lol. Hope this helps someone.

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